jeudi 15 avril 2010, par Françoise Roques
Wednesday, 14 january :
9:30 - Welcome
10:00 - Mefos presentation, Paul Felenbok and Alain Doressoundiram
11:00 - coffee break
11:30 - Mefos : technical discussion
12:30 - lunch
14:00 - Science Case I
14:00 - The Kuiper Belt, Alain Doressoundiram
14:45 - Serendipitous diffracting occultations by KBO, Françoise Roques
15:15 - Research with Ultracam, Yannick Boissel
16:00 - coffee break
16:30 - Stellar occultations by outer solar system, Bruno Sicardy
17:15 - X-ray binary tomography, Albert Kong
18:00 - end of the day
Thursday 15 january :
9:30 - Science Case - II
9:30 - YSO short-time variations, Shih-Ping Lai
10:15 - TNO occultation search in X-rays, H.K. Chang
11:00 - coffee break
11:30 - Exoplanets transits timing, J. Cabrera
12:15 - lunch
14:00 - French observatories, François Colas
14:45 - visit of the Paris Observatory, François Colas
16:30 - end of the day
Friday 16 january :
9:30 - UltraPhot presentation, Françoise Roques
10:15 - UltraPhot technical discussion
11:00 - coffee break
11:30 - UltraPhot technical discussion
12:30 - lunch
14:00 - ANR/NSC collaboration : budget, personal, meetings
16:00 - coffee break
16:30 - ANR/NSC collaboration : continuing
17:00 - end of the day
19:00 - diner